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Monday, July 6, 2009

Celebrity Deaths Brought to You by the Letter M – Creepy!

Last week, a co-worker brought it to my attention that the recent slew of celebrity/notable people who have sadly passed away all pretty much have the letter M as the first letter of their first or last name. Over the weekend there were two more:

-Ed McMahon

-Farrah Fawcett-Majors

-Michael Jackson

-Billy Mays

-Karl Malden

-Molly Sugden

-Steve McNair

-Robert McNamara

How’s that for creepy? Coincidence I am sure, but too crazy an observation regarding all the celebrity deaths to not share.

And by the way, I counted (yep, I used my fingers) and M is the 13th letter of the alphabet!

Source: http://donnatalarico.wordpress.com

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